Prime-Time Health is for those who want to take charge of their health, prevent disease, avoid disability and spend money on something other than medications and office visits! It is a scientifically proven plan for healthy aging that is taught by Certified Coaches through interactive workshops.
Prime-Time Health workshops teach how to:
Open your internal pharmacy
Make health your hobby
Move waste from your waist
Live without pain and inflammation
Dates: To be confirmed
Duration: 90 minutes
Formats: Prime-Time Health is delivered in 4 workshops of 90 minutes each to cover the topics listed above. The participant can choose to take one session depending on individual needs or purchase the package with the 4 sessions. The four sessions are also available online to be learned at individuals pace and time.
Where: Coral Gables, FL and Miami Lakes, FL
Includes: Hands-on activities, workbooks, light meal and recipe.